A Second Life
There was no doubt about it; Bhanu was a wasteful young man. However, he had many friends who were always eager to help him spend his money, and his reckless lifestyle led to his eventual downfall. You see, Bhanu was the only son of a wealthy merchant. His parents, doting on him, indulged his every whim and allowed him to spend freely without questioning his choices.
Bhanu’s father, despite his concerns, believed that it was merely a passing phase and that his son would eventually settle down. But as time passed, Bhanu’s extravagance grew out of control, spurred on by his so-called friends, who were always at his heels.
Then came a time when Bhanu’s father grew deeply worried about his son’s future. He saw that Bhanu was wasting his inheritance, and the thought weighed heavily on his mind. The father realized that he had not been a good influence, but it was too late. Early one morning, after collapsing from the weight of his thoughts, he sent for Bhanu.
“My son,” the father said in a weak voice, “In many ways, I have not been a good father. But now I beg of you to change your ways. If you continue to waste money, one day you will find yourself penniless, with no friends, and no future. When that day comes, take my advice and end your life by hanging yourself from the beam above my bed.”
As Bhanu heard his father’s words, he felt both guilt and sorrow. But once his father’s condition worsened and he realized that his inheritance was all he had left, Bhanu quickly forgot the warning. He believed that with his father’s wealth, he could live on as he always had.
Riotous living and extravagant gifts for his friends soon drained Bhanu’s fortune. When his friends learned that all that wealth had melted away, they turned their backs on him, avoiding him as though he were a leper.
Now penniless, Bhanu was unable to find a job, for he lacked any real skills or qualifications. He wandered the streets, his mind consumed by bitter regrets. That’s when he remembered his father’s final words, the warning that it was better for a failure to hang himself than to continue living in misery.
Hurriedly, Bhanu returned home, determined to carry out the tragic advice. As he entered his father’s room, he found a length of rope and tied it around the beam in preparation to end his life. However, the beam suddenly broke in two, and Bhanu fell to the floor, showered with golden coins. Astonished, Bhanu realized that his father had secretly hidden a fortune in the beam, hoping to give him another chance at life.

With his newfound wealth, Bhanu vowed never again to waste money. With hard work and careful investments, he turned his second chance into a success, making a prosperous life for himself and fulfilling his father’s hopes for him.